Entity Editor Seeding

This page documents a list of parameters you can POST to the entity editor to “seed” it. All values are optional unless otherwise stated.

This feature is most useful for bookbrainz’s import userscripts.

All date’s parameters mentioned below should be in format of YYYY-MM-DD eg. 2002-02-27.

Generic Sections

This will include parameters for those sections which are common to all entities.

Name Section

  • nameSection.namestring

    defaultAlias’s name for Entity

  • nameSection.sortNamestring

    defaultAlias’s sortName for Entity

  • nameSection.languagestring

    defaultAlias’s language for Entity

  • nameSection.disambiguationstring

    disambiguation for Entity

Identifier Editor

  • identifierEditor.t{id}string (int id for that identifier)

    adding one identifier row to identifierEditor

    eg. for isbn13 parameter would be identifierEditor.t9

Annotation Section

  • annotationSectionstring

    content for annotationSection

Submission Section

  • submissionSectionstring

    note for submissionSection

Entity Specific

This includes entity specific parameters.

Author Section

  • authorSection.typestring (Person | Group)

    author entity type

  • authorSection.genderstring (Male | Female | Other)

    author entity gender

  • authorSection.beginDatestring

    author entity date of birth

  • authorSection.beginAreastring

    author entity place of birth

  • authorSection.endDatestring

    author entity date of death

  • authorSection.endAreastring

    author entity place of death

Work Section

  • workSection.typestring

    work entity type eg. Novel

  • workSection.languages{i}string (int i index of language)

    work entity multi-languages

Edition Section

  • editionSection.publisherstring

    publisher of the edition entity

  • editionSection.releaseDatestring

    edition release date

  • editionSection.languages{i}string (int i index of language)

    edition entity multi-languages

  • editionSection.formatstring

    edition format eg. Paperback

  • editionSection.xnumber, x(height | width | depth | weight | pages)

    edition format eg. editionSection.pages

EditionGroup Section

  • editionGroup.typestring

    edition-group entity type eg. Book

Series Section

  • seriesSection.orderTypestring (Automatic | Manual)

    ordering type for series entity

  • seriesSection.seriesTypestring

    series type for series entity eg. Work

Publisher Section

  • publisherSection.typestring

    publisher type for publisher entity eg. Distributer

  • publisherSection.beginDatestring

    date founded for publisher entity

  • publisherSection.endDatestring

    date dissolved for publisher entity

  • publisherSection.areastring

    area for publisher entity

Example Submission

Basic form request body for seeding edition entity should look something like this

    "nameSection.name": "Thinking,+Fast+and+Slow",
    "nameSection.sortName": "Thinking,+Fast+and+Slow",
    "nameSection.language": "English",
    "identifierEditor.t9": "978-0374533557",
    "identifierEditor.t10": "0374533555",
    "identifierEditor.t5": "0374533555",
    "editionSection.publisher": "Farrar,+Straus+and+Giroux",
    "editionSection.releaseDate": "2013-04-02",
    "editionSection.format": "Paperback",
    "editionSection.pages": "499",
    "editionSection.width": "37",
    "editionSection.height": "139",
    "editionSection.depth": "209",
    "editionSection.weight": "453",
    "submissionSection": "Imported+from+Amazon\r\nsource:+www.amazon.com/dp/0374533555\r\nscript:+amazon-import\r\nversion:+0.0.1+\r\n++++"