.. _userscripts: https://github.com/bookbrainz/bookbrainz-userscripts ##################### Entity Editor Seeding ##################### This page documents a list of parameters you can *POST* to the entity editor to “seed” it. All values are optional unless otherwise stated. This feature is most useful for bookbrainz's import `userscripts`_. All date's parameters mentioned below should be in format of YYYY-MM-DD eg. 2002-02-27. Generic Sections =============== This will include parameters for those sections which are common to all entities. Name Section ************ * ``nameSection.name`` : string defaultAlias's name for Entity * ``nameSection.sortName`` : string defaultAlias's sortName for Entity * ``nameSection.language`` : string defaultAlias's language for Entity * ``nameSection.disambiguation`` : string disambiguation for Entity Identifier Editor ***************** * ``identifierEditor.t{id}`` : string *(int id for that identifier)* adding one identifier row to identifierEditor eg. for isbn13 parameter would be ``identifierEditor.t9`` Annotation Section ****************** * ``annotationSection`` : string content for annotationSection Submission Section ****************** * ``submissionSection`` : string note for submissionSection Entity Specific =============== This includes entity specific parameters. Author Section ************** * ``authorSection.type`` : string (Person | Group) author entity type * ``authorSection.gender`` : string (Male | Female | Other) author entity gender * ``authorSection.beginDate`` : string author entity date of birth * ``authorSection.beginArea`` : string author entity place of birth * ``authorSection.endDate`` : string author entity date of death * ``authorSection.endArea`` : string author entity place of death Work Section ************ * ``workSection.type`` : string work entity type eg. Novel * ``workSection.languages{i}`` : string (int i index of language) work entity multi-languages Edition Section *************** * ``editionSection.publisher`` : string publisher of the edition entity * ``editionSection.releaseDate`` : string edition release date * ``editionSection.languages{i}`` : string (int i index of language) edition entity multi-languages * ``editionSection.format`` : string edition format eg. Paperback * ``editionSection.x`` : number, x : (height | width | depth | weight | pages) edition format eg. editionSection.pages EditionGroup Section ******************** * ``editionGroup.type`` : string edition-group entity type eg. Book Series Section ************** * ``seriesSection.orderType`` : string (Automatic | Manual) ordering type for series entity * ``seriesSection.seriesType`` : string series type for series entity eg. Work Publisher Section ***************** * ``publisherSection.type`` : string publisher type for publisher entity eg. Distributer * ``publisherSection.beginDate`` : string date founded for publisher entity * ``publisherSection.endDate`` : string date dissolved for publisher entity * ``publisherSection.area`` : string area for publisher entity Example Submission ================== Basic form request body for seeding edition entity should look something like this :: { "nameSection.name": "Thinking,+Fast+and+Slow", "nameSection.sortName": "Thinking,+Fast+and+Slow", "nameSection.language": "English", "identifierEditor.t9": "978-0374533557", "identifierEditor.t10": "0374533555", "identifierEditor.t5": "0374533555", "editionSection.publisher": "Farrar,+Straus+and+Giroux", "editionSection.releaseDate": "2013-04-02", "editionSection.format": "Paperback", "editionSection.pages": "499", "editionSection.width": "37", "editionSection.height": "139", "editionSection.depth": "209", "editionSection.weight": "453", "submissionSection": "Imported+from+Amazon\r\nsource:+www.amazon.com/dp/0374533555\r\nscript:+amazon-import\r\nversion:+0.0.1+\r\n++++" }